I have answered a lot of questions about hacking. If you are on this page, I assume you already know some basic techniques but want to move to more “advanced” methods. Well, here are some popular advanced techniques: For web hacking: DDoS, SQL injections, XSS, php bots, DNS spoofing and generally all these: These are web hacking attacks. For program vulnerabilities the most popular one is buffer overflow (by far) Buffer overflow - Wikipedia Also, there is reverse engineering, which basically is finding the source code of applications (so you can find buffer overflow vulnerabilities) which requires great Assembly knowledge. In order to write your own exploits and tools (which is considered advanced) you need to know C/C++ or python. Long story short, to practice advanced hacking you need to know programming, networking, server & database knowledge. SQLi - Requires programming, server & database knowledge XSS - Requires programming knowledge ...
Introduction to IT Security Interview Questions and Answers IT Security is one of the biggest words for the last couple of years in entire world media. It is one of the big noise for all the offices including government offices, a lot of special norms has been introduced by central audit forum for especially in IT security. Special concern area is in the digital area. In today’s current scenario, every people are well aware of some common IT security especially in the digital environment needs to follow. IT security is day by day getting very faster changes and all the involved people are really very concerned on the same. If we follow everyday headlines, this is one of the common headlines of any of the hacking incident or IT security breaking incident in anywhere government or private sector. A big problem is entirely 100% secure IT system is absolutely not possible, as the security system change every day without any prior intimation properly. So people should need to be more ...